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Grade 2


Recent/Current Projects-

Second grade artists recently completed African inspired masks.



Discussion -

·       What are some of the characteristics of African masks? (symmetrical, geometric shaped facial features, patterns, expressive faces).

·       What type of materials were they made from and why people today might wear a mask?

·       What symbol did they create for their mask and what does it represent?

·       Why do many African flags contain the colors red, green or yellow? (Ethiopia’s flag had red, green and yellow. Ethiopia is Africa’s oldest independent country and when the other countries gained their independence many looked to Ethiopia’s flag as inspiration. Since Ethiopia remained uncolonized by the West much like the imaginary Wakanda, it is rumored Ethiopia was at least one country that served as inspiration for the Black Panther comics/movie. This is the reason why the masks were glued onto red, green or yellow paper.)


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